Thursday, February 1, 2007

Unbiased as i can be!

Okay, no way does it compare to the originals, but we all know that already. Okay, saw it. Verdict: Better than I and II. I won't spoil it for y'all, but suffice to say, everything you expect to happen happens. Fight scenes are almost all really good. There is some serious cheese in it, but it's Lucas, so duh. Jar Jar is almost invisible, which most of you will be happy about. (I still think Anakin and Schmi were more detrimental to Episode I) There are a few cameos (look for the Millenium Falcon. It's in there, but you have to be looking to see it.) The story and the visuals are really well done. The story was far better than I had anticipated. The acting improved over the course of this trilogy. Jackson, and Portman did well as did Ewan McGregor. Anakin (I forget his name) improved a lot since the last film. All in all, worth my money, and seeing it with the geek crowd at midnight is always fun. (though they cheered for every goddamned thing Yoda did) So yeah, go see it. I have to say though. This movie had some amazing moments that truly made up for the bad ones. I could sit and nitpick all day, which I'm sure most people will do. Then again, I could do that with "A New Hope" too. Try and ignore the lame parts and focus on the sections of movie that are truly great. You Take the Good You Take the Bad You take them both And there you have Revenge of the Sith

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