Thursday, February 1, 2007

Star wars succumbs to the hip hop age.

Just like music is no longer played by instruments or performed by talented people but mechanically pieced together bit by bit on computer, so the third (or sixth) installment of the Star Wars Saga has fallen. I'll try not to give away too many spoilers, but the problem I ran into throughout, was the lack of appeal to the emotion. When the Jedi are getting killed, or when Anakin was getting hacked up, or Padme was in torment, I JUST DIDN'T CARE. I had no emotional attachment to the characters whatsoever. The acting, dialog, and events just didn't move me. Even the elaborate action sequences, although intricate and flashy, did not really excite me. WHAT WAS AT STAKE WAS NOT EMPHASIZED. You easily forgot that the fate of the galaxy was in the balance, because you were taken to totally irrelevant locations and events during the movie. Like the General Grievous chase; That whole sequence was completely unnecessary. If that part had been taken out, would any of the story, or flow of the movie have suffered? No, General Grievous could have died a thousand other ways, (or not existed at all) and it wouldn't have mattered. The fact that the whole reason for Anakin's turning to the dark side was because his wife's life was in danger seemed very distant, and intangible. The threat to Padme should have been seen more, to give more urgency to Anakin's plight. These same elementary principles of communicating ideas to an audience (that a seasoned director should be ashamed to be ignorant of) could have helped the movie all throughout. All throughout, there were the little cutesy things that Lucas put in that took away any semblance of danger or seriousness away from the movie. Things like every time a droid was "killed", it would yelp or whine or "scream" in a little child like robotized voice. Or when going after Grievous, Obi-Wan portrayed a happy go lucky guy, looking forward to duking it out with Grievous, instead of portraying that he was up against a ruthless enemy with countless lives at stake. This film could have been a moving epic adventure, especially with having such a great story inherently built into it. But instead we got a dumbed down version of an action video game.

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