Thursday, February 1, 2007

Ah - communion!!

What a beautiful story. It is what truly makes this film ... even more so than the visuals and music. The acting in some places really shines and in some places it drags but not even near the dialogue cry maker of Episode II. Honestly, though i didn't come for the acting. There are some scenes in the later half that are superb (real tear jerkers)! It must be tough to act in front of a blue screen all the time. It may also be tough to direct actors in front of a blue screen. But the story, oh the story! The lies and political intrigue are simply fascinating and believable. One is reminded of human kind's struggle with Nature, to survive and beat death. However, one can't fool with Mother Nature. Nature is much bigger - always, even for a Jedi or Emperor. Nature is more complex, like the special effects, and can never be broken down into black/white simplistic thinking, i.e.," if you're not with us, you're our enemy". Therefore nature becomes the enemy. Stand in opposition to Nature maybe the truest characterization of evil. With that said the ending ties into a quiet lovely Eucharistic and Taoist tone. Bravo for Lucas, for taking a stand and producing what is sure to be one of the best if not the best episodes of the entire series! ~x~

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