Thursday, February 1, 2007

Star wars - revenge of george lucus

After walking away from the primere of Star Wars - Revenge of the Sith, I can only think of one word - FINALLY! We Finally get alot of smooth flowing action; finally get alot of good light saber fight scenes, and more importantly finally get a well done film that flows better than the other prequils. Right from the beginning of the film, You are drawn into the cockpit of two fighters and follow the action from the beginning right to the end of the credits. It seems that Lucus listened to his fan base and made Episode 3 like 'Empire Strikes Back' and then some, and includes a nice twist like the "I am your Father.." line from Empire. Alot of questions are answered for those that have followed the films since 1977. If you have no clue about Star Wars, You can see this without knowing anything at all about Star Wars and still enjoy a great movie. Bottom line: Everyone should go see this - no matter what. Story: Without giving anything away, I can tell you that the story ties up loose ends from the original three movies and at the same time gives the newer 'prequils' somewhere to go. You see Vader at his 'birth' and also what happens to the Republic and how its falls into darkness. The title "Revenge of the Sith" should tell you enough about this film. Expect the bad guys to win. Characters: An A for this department. All the characters are used at some point in time during the film. Acting was well done and it seemed like the actors were able to play thier part like the characters were meant to be played. Christensen (Anakin) did an outstanding job as Vader, as you see how Anakin is turned to the dark side. You also see what happens to the Republic thru the characters actions and feelings. A few side notes: The character of Yoda is like the Yoda of Episode 2, and NOT like the CG thing in Episode 1. And if you were worried about Jar Jar, you have nothing to fear. Visuals/ Computer Graphics (CG) - SITH uses the CG as a tool to help tell the story of the characters, and not the other way around. Nothing seemed unbelievable. You can imagion the characters in the scenes, like the fight scene between Anakin and Obi Wan on the lava planet. If you are worried about too much CG, dont be. Directing: I give Lucas an A for getting back to the basics of the Star Wars Triligy. My joke was "Episode 3, the Appology" as the prevous episodes seemed to build up to the Creshendo of Episode 3. He held nothing back and let it all go in this one. You can tell. Be Warned - The rating of PG-13 is because the movie does show one or two disturbing things for a youngster under 12 that is not done in any of the other films. Images and events are not for the young at heart in this one, as the bad guys are being bad. Go see this this next week. Then go see it again to catch all the other things that you missed the first time thru. Yes, it is that fast. I have never been thru 2 1/2 hrs like that ever and will go to see this again very soon and is worthy of being called an Excellent Star Wars film ...and remember, The force will be with you, always

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