Thursday, February 1, 2007

Biggest and the best ???

First off, if you've been dissapointed with the prequels, then don't worry ... this restores faith. Everything you'd expect it to be good in, effects, sound, music, visual appeal, its all a given, A+, oscar worthy in this movie. Simple as that. Secondly, this is a disturbingly dark Star Wars epic movie. You need a shower after you watch this one. And, any movie that can draw a reaction such as that, is a fantastic thing. The story arc of ROTS, and how it applies to the overall SW Saga, is really, really fantastic. It is indeed the best since 'Empire'. All that being said, let me mention some gripes so you know what to expect. First off, bigger is not always better. The opening space battle is cinematically one of the greatest scenes in a movie ever ... period. HOWEVER, while it follows our heroes through their plights, it lacks the overall feeling of one piece of a greater puzzle, in relation to the number of ships portrayed out in space. There's no random chatter between fighters, there's no one on one dogfights, there's no intimacy with the fight like in the Death Star battles in Jedi, and ANH. And, unfortunately, that sort of spills over to the rest of the sequence, leading up to the fight with Dooku, leaving that overall part of the story empty feeling. Perhaps a minor gripe that most won't agree with, but enough to warrant mention. It then progresses to the real heavy talking parts, which Hayden does really well with. Its all absolutely necessary to the story, and while it slows the movie down a bit, I still had no major problem with it. Its all important, but some things are moreso than others, and it ebbs and flows like that for a bit. Then comes 'the turn'. I've read, and heard, that some think its empty, emotionless, unconvincing. I really can't think of that as further from the truth. Hayden embodied a tragic hero, who really does not see it from the audiences point of view. Hell, the way Palpatine was selling the darkside, he could have sold ice machines to eskimos. But, you can see the struggle, and that Anakin is not so much convinced its the right path, as feeling its something he has to do. In the end, it ends up humanizing Vader more than ever before, lending a new perspective to the OT. Thats all I'm saying about the story. Everything you expect, and want is here. While my favorite saber duel is in TPM (Maul), the two gigantic fights at the end of this movie are barely finishing behind. Prepare to be nervous with every slash, force push, and lightning shot thats portrayed. It is very good. And don't worry about the acting. The acting is great ... its the writing, in only a couple of parts, that is a bit lacking. Beyond that, this is an amazing film.

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