Thursday, February 1, 2007

Too much effects, not much substance

How do you end a saga? George Lucas probably wasn't ready to culminate his grand opus. Anybody could have written the script (or the lack therof). The dialogue was bordering to cliché, and often times corny. There were too much fight scenes and special effects, it was almost nauseating or rather, you will no longer get excited with the succeeding fight scenes since you've already got your fill in the first 5 minutes of the movie and you have been immunized. Count Dooku died in the first 10 minutes, and Mace Windu died in the next 20... and their death scenes weren't even satisfying. Yoda became the comic relief. The scenes between Padme and Anakin were ludicrously written, it lacked the needed pathos. The revealing of Darth Sidius was also pathetic. The transformation of Anakin to the dark side was wanting and a dud. I was anticipating a twist like in episode 2 where Senator Palpatine manipulated Jar Jar Binx to motion the senate to give him emergency powers, but none came. I couldn't find any saving grace in this movie other than, at last, an era has ended. (It's now no wonder why someone was snoring behind me.)

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