Thursday, February 1, 2007

Better then i expected

A much better film then Episode 1 & 2. Positves 1. Acting much improved. 2. Supurb Special Effects 3. Lots of Action 4. Order 66 was awesome and sad 5. Fitting ending and nice transaction to Episode 4 6. More mature Storyline 7. Darth Vader :) Negatives - 1. Terrible Acting Scene between Mace Windu & Emperor 2. Anakin's turn to the darside was a bit weak/quick. 3. Qui-Gon scene Cut


Wonderful story, intense battles, incredible visuals, touching and sometimes disturbing plot turns. I'm not the biggest Star Wars fan out there, but I went to the midnight showing with my husband and some friends, and I have tons of praise for the movie. I do have criticisms, a few parts could have been more clear and you would expect more from some of the actors, but it's so entertaining and exciting that you can easily forget all that. It's so engaging that some people in the theatre were crying by the end. And it does wrap up all the stories nicely. Very, very, very good!

A damn good movie!

Upon seeing Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith early this morning, I let it sink in all day to form my opinion. After all that thought, I concluded that this was a damn good movie... and probably my favorite of all 6 episodes (definitely of the episodes 1-3)! One of the things I liked about this movie is the way it presents Anakin Skywalker (Hayden Christensen). George Lucas made you believe that, although we know Anakin was evil, he did not believe himself to be evil. In fact, he thought he was doing the right thing, even though some of those things were undeniably wrong. Also, many of the mysteries were finally answered. We all knew Anakin was Darth Vader, and that Vader was the father of Luke Skywalker and Leia, but now we know how and why they were separated. We also know how Darth Vader came about and why the need for the costume. All this and more! A review of this movie would not be complete without mention of the spectacular special effects. Every shot in the movie is stunning and hard to look away from. The action starts from the very beginning and does not let up, except for some minor love scenes. The light saber battles between Anakin, Obi-Wan Kenobi (Ewan McGregor), Yoda, Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) and General Grievous were all done extremely well. Even R2-D2 got to kick some butt! Overall, as you can probably tell, I loved this installment of the series. All of the questions were answered and was more action packed than I could have hoped for. Definitely recommended.

Out with the old in with the new

This is not only the best star wars movie ever, but its also the best movie ever. I dont get some of these fans, that say they didn't like the other two cause there was either an annoying character or a stupid love story and not enough action. So Lucas took care of that and people still bitch. The bottom line is they are all biased and there can never be another star wars outside the original trilogy good enough for them. Now they are not even consistent with thier dislikes. They are finding any small excuse not to like this movie as if they could write a better one themselves as they sit in the theatre with thier arms crossed from the get go. This movie is fantastic and Ill probably see it again and again, forget the old trilogy this is better than all of them put together.

This is it....!

For those people who said it was predictable and boring...I think you missed the whole point. Yes we pretty much know what's going to happen, but what we don't know is HOW that happens and all the details behind it. And that's exactly what this movie is about...: what was the other reason that Anakin joined the dark force, how the cloned army turned against the Jedi, how and why Yoda went to exile, how Anakin got into the Darth Vader suit and finally what happens to Padmé and her babies. Well I guess Anakin couldn't save her after all...; It leaves the true fans satisfied and the not-so- much funs now wanting to see episodes 4,5 and 6. The story is just brilliant, George Lucas is just a genius and a true visionary...and as always the visuals are amazing...definately worth seeing. Personally I can't believe this whole saga is over after almost 30 years. It's kinda bittersweet. May the force be with us all...:)

Yes, yes, yes, finally!

I just saw the midnight showing, and all I can say is Lucas FINALLY got it right. It's a 2 1/2 hour movie and I spent the entire last hour and a half on the edge of my seat. I'm a Star Wars geek going back to the originals and found Episodes 1 and 2 incredibly sub-par as most people did. But this one absolutely ranks up there with the originals, don't let the naysayers on here get to you, you must see this movie opening weekend!


it connected things well very entertaining from the first second, action packed, sad,happy, cool, my emotions are running wild. the only disappointment i have is thats the last one they will make. i really am interested in what happens between episode 3 and 4, and after episode 6, but sith was the best of the 3 new ones

Not only the best star wars, but the best movie...

Star Wars: Episode III: Undoubtly the best star wars movie out of them all. Not only that but it has my vote on the best movie I have ever seen. I have seen plenty of movies in my day and I like to write a review everytime I see a good one. But honestly, this Star Wars is a masterpeice. Many people say that the acting and story line was below average. I have to STRONGLY disagree! Everything about this movie is superb! This review is all personal opinion and there are still many people out there that hate this movie and I can't understand why. There were parts that made me even tear. I guess I'm a slightly sensitive 21 year old guy. But the acting was real and not Cheesy like many people say. There couldn't have been better lines in the situations. Visuals were by far the BESTS visuals I have ever seen since LOTR:Return of the King, and Final Fantasty: The Movie! Even better I must say. The Direction of this movie EXPLAINS everything SO well even for people who HAVENT seen all of the Star Wars movies and/or ARENT a big fan of them. That's what I liked about this movie even MORE than the older ones. Is that in the older ones, people were EXPECTED to know the history of Star Wars so they didnt explain things much. Only hardcore fans would know everything that was going on. But they could'nt have linked this movie with Episode IV any better than they did. It was truly AMAZING!!!!! Overall I really honestly have to say in my opinion that this was the best movie I have ever seen (next to Jurassic Park) (sorry for anyone who didn't like that movie neither). But if anything the BEST Star Wars film out of them all! PLEASE GO SEE IT AND LET ME KNOW YOUR OPINION! I am DYING to know. -David Asgarian (bassist of Two Miles From Home) P.S. Dan Bernardini and Jeff Languirand SUCK for their opinion on this movie! LMAO!

Too much effects, not much substance

How do you end a saga? George Lucas probably wasn't ready to culminate his grand opus. Anybody could have written the script (or the lack therof). The dialogue was bordering to cliché, and often times corny. There were too much fight scenes and special effects, it was almost nauseating or rather, you will no longer get excited with the succeeding fight scenes since you've already got your fill in the first 5 minutes of the movie and you have been immunized. Count Dooku died in the first 10 minutes, and Mace Windu died in the next 20... and their death scenes weren't even satisfying. Yoda became the comic relief. The scenes between Padme and Anakin were ludicrously written, it lacked the needed pathos. The revealing of Darth Sidius was also pathetic. The transformation of Anakin to the dark side was wanting and a dud. I was anticipating a twist like in episode 2 where Senator Palpatine manipulated Jar Jar Binx to motion the senate to give him emergency powers, but none came. I couldn't find any saving grace in this movie other than, at last, an era has ended. (It's now no wonder why someone was snoring behind me.)

Lucas finally hits the homerun

Thankfully, George Lucas did not fail the Star Wars faithful. Revenge of the Sith is one of Lucas' most complete efforts to date. This was the movie I have patiently waited more than half of my life time to see. Obviously, the expectations were incredibly high for the film where everything in Star Wars lore would finally fall into place and ultimately the film where George Lucas' legacy would be truly be defined. So was it everything we expected, hoped and dreamed it could be? Thankfully, yes. Lucas finally produced a new Star Wars film up to the caliber of his originals. The movie is chockfull of epic battles including four excellent and dramatic Jedi vs. Sith lightsaber duels. Thank goodness George Lucas made no effort to re-work this movie into a PG rating. The more graphic battle scenes are essential in establishing the dark tone of the film. The thing that Revenge of the Sith made me most realize was how much the previous two films pale in quality. Everything about Revenge of the Sith is a stark improvement of his other flawed prequels. Kudos to Hayden Christianson for learning how to act between films. Everyone seemed to step up their efforts in the acting department. And extra credit goes to Lucas for not giving his biggest Star Wars blunder, Jar Jar Binks, a single line of dialog in the final film. One of the flaws in Lucas' prior prequel efforts is that he seemed to struggle in trying to fill 2-plus hours of movie time with meaningful content and dialog. In the case of Revenge of the Sith, he left himself so much story still left to tell, he didn't have any time to sacrifice to anything that wasn't critically important to the final tale and ensuring that all loose ends were tied up. As expected, the highlights were the final battles of Yoda vs. The Emperor and Obi-Wan vs. Anakin. Lucas did a very nice job of visually showing us how Darth Vader and The Emperor were created. The causes of their known disfigurements are on full display. For those folks who have not closely followed the entire Star Wars series may still be able to take in this film and find some enjoyment in it. As long as you have basic knowledge that Anakin Skywalker is the infamous Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker is his future son who will eventually be 'the one' to destroy the Sith, and the significance of Yoda and Obi-Wan's influence on both Skywalkers, you shouldn't find yourself too lost with the film. I definitely feel at peace with the entire 6-film Star Wars entity as a whole now. I believe that Revenge of the Sith will end up being as revered as the films of the original trilogy.

Darth vader says "noooooooooo!"

I was one of those fans who saw the first showing possible in my town at 12:01 am Thursday morning. I had been waiting for this movie for 27 years, and was so dissappointed. The reviewers around the country who screened the film rated very high and recommended it, so I admit I was expecting a very high standard. However, what I saw was more of the same things that movies I and II suffered from. Horrible dialouge most of the time, the storyline seemed to drag again, and the scenes with Genral Grievous were utterly dissapointing. Along with the reviews and having taped the Micro Series on Cartoon Network, I was hoping for a much different movie. I was troubled by alot of little things, like how long did Anakin lie there next to the lava after having been in a devastating fight with Obi Wan? Long enough to receive help from the Emperor clear across the galaxy? I suppose. How does Obi Wan forget who R2-D2 is in movie IV after having such a long obvious history with the droid? How do the Jedi have such great power and not know about Anakin and Padme's marriage? I could go on. Finally, does anyone else see a troubling simalrity of Darth Vader and Frankenstein? The best line Lucas could come up with once Anakin wakes up as Darth Vader is "Nooooooo!"(?) Maybe I am too harsh of a critic as I found myself saying the same thing as I left the theatre.

Ah - communion!!

What a beautiful story. It is what truly makes this film ... even more so than the visuals and music. The acting in some places really shines and in some places it drags but not even near the dialogue cry maker of Episode II. Honestly, though i didn't come for the acting. There are some scenes in the later half that are superb (real tear jerkers)! It must be tough to act in front of a blue screen all the time. It may also be tough to direct actors in front of a blue screen. But the story, oh the story! The lies and political intrigue are simply fascinating and believable. One is reminded of human kind's struggle with Nature, to survive and beat death. However, one can't fool with Mother Nature. Nature is much bigger - always, even for a Jedi or Emperor. Nature is more complex, like the special effects, and can never be broken down into black/white simplistic thinking, i.e.," if you're not with us, you're our enemy". Therefore nature becomes the enemy. Stand in opposition to Nature maybe the truest characterization of evil. With that said the ending ties into a quiet lovely Eucharistic and Taoist tone. Bravo for Lucas, for taking a stand and producing what is sure to be one of the best if not the best episodes of the entire series! ~x~

One word: amazing

The this installment in the series truly is above episode one and two. The plot is so intriguing and interesting. The rising action of the first hour and half creates a magnificant last fourt-five minutes. Though this is a great movie, it is a little repetitive. A droid and a main character dies, simply like the last 5 movies. The problem with a prequel is that one already knows what will happen. Anakin does, don't worry, turn to the dark side. Chancellor Palpatine is revealed to be Darth Sidious. The Jedi are annihilated. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda go into exile on different planets. The democratic Republic is devoured by the Empire. Instead of answers, what we gain from watching Revenge of the Sith is details. Chancellor Palpatine is revealed to be Darth Sidious. The Jedi are annihilated. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda go into exile on different planets. The democratic Republic is devoured by the Empire. Instead of answers, what we gain from watching Revenge of the Sith is details. Revenge of the Sith contains several masterfully edited sequences. Near the end of the film, the two big battles - Anakin against Obi-Wan and the Emperor against Yoda - are brilliantly intercut. The saga is complete. An estimated 4.8 million, including myself, called in sick to watch this last movie by George Lucas. The movie itself will most likely get a few Academy nods, especially for Best Director.

Hope it beats titanic in box office

Star wars fans should make sure this time it surpasses titanic in box office.See it as many times as you can deserves all the recognition it is getting.It is and end to an unbelievable story line,if you dont like it, then you were never a child.And for all the people that said the actors sucked,i think they did a great job trying to put themselves into a fairytale and make it believable.And if your a true star wars fan you wont compare any of the movies,you should love them all equal and take them for what they are.Brilliant simply brilliant.p.s.dont write reviews if you dont have an imagination.sincerely crazy from chicago!

The best movie of all time. period.

I watched an interview with Lucas saying that the reason the 'First Two' Movies were not 'up to par', or so said many, was that he just had to make room for all the plot and had to design an entrance for the third movie. Although it may have seemed that George Lucas lost his touch, nothing could be farther from the truth. It was all a big scheme. The third movie fits PERFECTLY into the gap between one, two, and four. Whereas in one and two there were a lot of 'cheesy' parts and parts that seemed very unrealistic, this movie contains little to NONE. To tell you about the movie itself: I could try - but words can not describe. The plot is so intense, so thrilling, so ... Perfect. The fighting will BLOW YOU AWAY. Words can not describe how AWESOME this movie really is. The fact that the movie is so, incredible, when you know what is going to happen in the end anyways, should speak for itself. Just go see it I PROMISE it will not be a disappointment to you. Go See It. It is the best movie ever made in every aspect and it is not likely that a better movie will be made anytime soon.

Are you guys high?

come on! i was furious after leaving the theater! I paid to be tortured by this trash! Okay, so we all knew he was going to be Darth Vader, right? no surprises in the plot right? okay, i was hoping that was the worst thing to overcome, a boring, predictable storyline. I didn't expect it to play out like a friggin soap opera! Darth Vader: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! (as he shakes his fists in the most horribly cliche and comical way) How could i enjoy THAT? Even Ewan McGreggor dissapointed me, and he was amazing in the second episode! But Hayden Christiansen never fails to dissapoint, he goes into cheeze factor overdrive. This is mainly to blame on the part of Lucas, who just massacred this mess. He should have actually tried to make this more than a pretty picture. It's actually a pretty picture being dunked in a pile of crap. The only good scene was the Palpatine / Yoda fight. And the visuals were amazing as always. But nothing else. I am in pain.

Biggest and the best ???

First off, if you've been dissapointed with the prequels, then don't worry ... this restores faith. Everything you'd expect it to be good in, effects, sound, music, visual appeal, its all a given, A+, oscar worthy in this movie. Simple as that. Secondly, this is a disturbingly dark Star Wars epic movie. You need a shower after you watch this one. And, any movie that can draw a reaction such as that, is a fantastic thing. The story arc of ROTS, and how it applies to the overall SW Saga, is really, really fantastic. It is indeed the best since 'Empire'. All that being said, let me mention some gripes so you know what to expect. First off, bigger is not always better. The opening space battle is cinematically one of the greatest scenes in a movie ever ... period. HOWEVER, while it follows our heroes through their plights, it lacks the overall feeling of one piece of a greater puzzle, in relation to the number of ships portrayed out in space. There's no random chatter between fighters, there's no one on one dogfights, there's no intimacy with the fight like in the Death Star battles in Jedi, and ANH. And, unfortunately, that sort of spills over to the rest of the sequence, leading up to the fight with Dooku, leaving that overall part of the story empty feeling. Perhaps a minor gripe that most won't agree with, but enough to warrant mention. It then progresses to the real heavy talking parts, which Hayden does really well with. Its all absolutely necessary to the story, and while it slows the movie down a bit, I still had no major problem with it. Its all important, but some things are moreso than others, and it ebbs and flows like that for a bit. Then comes 'the turn'. I've read, and heard, that some think its empty, emotionless, unconvincing. I really can't think of that as further from the truth. Hayden embodied a tragic hero, who really does not see it from the audiences point of view. Hell, the way Palpatine was selling the darkside, he could have sold ice machines to eskimos. But, you can see the struggle, and that Anakin is not so much convinced its the right path, as feeling its something he has to do. In the end, it ends up humanizing Vader more than ever before, lending a new perspective to the OT. Thats all I'm saying about the story. Everything you expect, and want is here. While my favorite saber duel is in TPM (Maul), the two gigantic fights at the end of this movie are barely finishing behind. Prepare to be nervous with every slash, force push, and lightning shot thats portrayed. It is very good. And don't worry about the acting. The acting is great ... its the writing, in only a couple of parts, that is a bit lacking. Beyond that, this is an amazing film.

Lucas restores order to the saga with "sith"

This final installment in the "Star Wars" saga is by far the best of the prequel trilogy and rekindles the passion for Lucas' space opera that fans once had for the original trilogy of years ago. While the film is a great work overall, its story proves to be less than perfect and some of the dialogue screams for Lucas to have run a draft of his script by the team of Brackett & Kasdan (co-writers of "Empire") prior its shooting. To his credit, however, Lucas displays some of his greatest directorial skills to date, with sweeping shots of awesome battlefields and an excellent use of light and shadow to pronounce the dichotomy of the "light" Jedi and the "dark" Sith lords. Furthermore, ILM (Industrial Light & Magic) brings to life some of the best sci-fi sequences that I have ever seen, and for once I found myself craving more CGI rather than yearning for the special effects of old. And, once again, John Williams proves that he is truly the greatest of all contemporary theatrical composers with a score that is, in my humble opinion, outstanding and perhaps Oscar-worthy. To my dismay, however, a few scenes were cut from the original script that really help to bring the story full circle. But, hopefully, these will be added into the DVD version. It is truly a great work (the best of this year's sci-fi blockbusters) and a film that is worth watching again and again.

Lives up to the hype

Coming into Episode III I had high expectations; I was not disappointed. This movie has the best writing of any of the Star Wars movies. The audience can understand the motivation of all of the main characters. The falling action of Episode III is outstanding. It perfectly sets the stage for "A New Hope". The movie was great, but it didn't feel right until I saw the end. Writers dream of creating an ending such as this. The special effects were excellent and superior to any other Star Wars movie. The action is well orchestrated. The sets, backgrounds and visuals are amazing. Some of the backdrops begin to give you the feel of the original Star Wars trilogy, which is a very good thing. Hayden Christianson delivers a great performance as Aniken Skywalker. Natalie Portman was OK, not as good as I would have expected based on "The Professional". They couldn't have made this movie without James Earl Jones. For my money he made the movie real and authentic with his brief speaking role. I will definitely see this again. It's too early to tell whether it's the best Star Wars movie ever. But I'm leaning towards yes.

Dark, moody, engaging, fantastic

But stop reading all these reviews by us *****tards, go see the movie dammit. The acting is definitely way better than the previous installment was and it's lack of an "everything's gonna be alright" atmosphere lends to the severity of the times they live in. I was a little shocked by at least one thing in the movie, being much darker than I had anticipated, but it was ever that much more captivating for it. If nothing else everyone is sure to enjoy the spectacular lightsaber battles and a silent Jar Jar Binks. Dammit Lucas, you should have come out swinging with stuff like this, then people wouldn't talk so much crap about you and Star Wars being a "tired franchise" as reported in the Post Dispatch too many times to count.

Perhaps we didn't all see the same movie

As I'm reading these reviews I can't help but wonder if we all watched the same movie. Those suggesting that the seduction took place in 30 seconds, and that 1 minute he was a good guy, and the next he was slaughtering "younglings" is perhaps one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard. The seduction didnt start when the emperor called Anny to his chambers and began convincing him to join the darkside, this seduction began long long before ****.us your brain, and learn you will.....It began, first off with the plot to have him rescued(the emperor), and moreso when he encouraged Annakin to kill Duuko. THATS WHEN THE SEDUCTION BEGAN...AND THE SEEDS OF HATE GREW IN HIM...ALONG WITH KNOWINGLY DEFYING THE JEDI CODE. Thats what made him begin to doubt himself, which in turn made him doubt the Jedi and everything else. Then it was followed by getting him a seat on the counsel, from there encouraging ways for him to save his love, and how powerful the dark arts were. I'm astonished that seemingly half the viewers...even those with good reviews say the seduction was so short. Can you honestly be ignorant enough to believe that the seduction took place in that few minutes, in the emperors chamber, the seduction was over half the movie!! And acting, I'm personally hard pressed to think of a more convincing villain...EVER....The swagger..the eyes...the looks on his face...he screamed evil and hatred the whole time..sure there were a few cheese one liners...but did anyone happen to see the originals...its filled with them..that's 1 of the things we have all grown to love(at least I did)...and if you want to compare...then find me a better actor then Harrison Ford in his ****.com on..I dare you. Noones going to be able to top quit searching..accept it for what it is. Epic, Legendary, Heartpounding, thrill packed, emotional, heartfelt splendor of a film. Anyone that read this far I applaud you, and please dont be discouraged by the ignorance contained in a few of these posts...LOL And perhaps the most classic line ever....If so great your power is..then why run must you...with a 2 foot little green booger standing fierce!

I can die happy and satisfied now

After watching this movie I was left with wanting more. As a true and dedicated star wars fan I am very proud and thankful for the work Lucas has done. By far this is the darkest installment yet and I can't help feeling depressed. Only a true fan can appreciate the true work that has been done here. Ignore those who write bad reviews they are written by those who had never heard of Star Wars until Phantom Menece. Go watch and judge for youself. Simply amazing is all I can say.

Star wars - revenge of george lucus

After walking away from the primere of Star Wars - Revenge of the Sith, I can only think of one word - FINALLY! We Finally get alot of smooth flowing action; finally get alot of good light saber fight scenes, and more importantly finally get a well done film that flows better than the other prequils. Right from the beginning of the film, You are drawn into the cockpit of two fighters and follow the action from the beginning right to the end of the credits. It seems that Lucus listened to his fan base and made Episode 3 like 'Empire Strikes Back' and then some, and includes a nice twist like the "I am your Father.." line from Empire. Alot of questions are answered for those that have followed the films since 1977. If you have no clue about Star Wars, You can see this without knowing anything at all about Star Wars and still enjoy a great movie. Bottom line: Everyone should go see this - no matter what. Story: Without giving anything away, I can tell you that the story ties up loose ends from the original three movies and at the same time gives the newer 'prequils' somewhere to go. You see Vader at his 'birth' and also what happens to the Republic and how its falls into darkness. The title "Revenge of the Sith" should tell you enough about this film. Expect the bad guys to win. Characters: An A for this department. All the characters are used at some point in time during the film. Acting was well done and it seemed like the actors were able to play thier part like the characters were meant to be played. Christensen (Anakin) did an outstanding job as Vader, as you see how Anakin is turned to the dark side. You also see what happens to the Republic thru the characters actions and feelings. A few side notes: The character of Yoda is like the Yoda of Episode 2, and NOT like the CG thing in Episode 1. And if you were worried about Jar Jar, you have nothing to fear. Visuals/ Computer Graphics (CG) - SITH uses the CG as a tool to help tell the story of the characters, and not the other way around. Nothing seemed unbelievable. You can imagion the characters in the scenes, like the fight scene between Anakin and Obi Wan on the lava planet. If you are worried about too much CG, dont be. Directing: I give Lucas an A for getting back to the basics of the Star Wars Triligy. My joke was "Episode 3, the Appology" as the prevous episodes seemed to build up to the Creshendo of Episode 3. He held nothing back and let it all go in this one. You can tell. Be Warned - The rating of PG-13 is because the movie does show one or two disturbing things for a youngster under 12 that is not done in any of the other films. Images and events are not for the young at heart in this one, as the bad guys are being bad. Go see this this next week. Then go see it again to catch all the other things that you missed the first time thru. Yes, it is that fast. I have never been thru 2 1/2 hrs like that ever and will go to see this again very soon and is worthy of being called an Excellent Star Wars film ...and remember, The force will be with you, always

May the force be with're gonna need it.

I came out of the theater feeling like George Lucas had pulled it off...but just barely. The dialogue is downright silly, the acting often wooden and the computerized action--overkill as usual. This movie's saving grace is it's jedi vs. sith battles. Finally we get to see the full fury of both sides as they pull out all the stops in a battle of lightsabers and the force. This makes up for the weaknesses already mentioned, along with such distractions as R2D2 trying to be cute (lame), the recycling of Chewbacca (lamer), and Padme's dying on cue (lamest). When I get this on DVD I'll just skip to the lightsaber battles and forget the rest. C+/B-

Honestly, was lucas trying?

Please, someone tell me that Episode III is a joke. From the opening scroll (War!...There are heroes on both sides...) to the final shot, the movie never stopped dissappointing. I will try to address some of the most outstanding problems. (some minor spoilage below - read with caution) 1. Poor Dialogue Lines like "Love can't save you, but my new Jedi Powers can!" and "It's time for me to use my ejector pod!" just kill me. I know I didn't copy them right on, but you get the gist of things. 2. Way Too Much CGI Everything looked fake. Not even a cool kind of fake. Just fake. Sure the graphics were amazing, and people put a lot of effort in them but they didn't make the movie any better...they made it worse. 3. Lightsaber Battles Remember when lightsaber battles were realistic, high tension battle sequences? 4. Short Scenes I wonder how many scenes in this film were actually longer than thirty seconds. George Lucas was really trying to cater to the ADD crowd, this film moved way too fast to be enjoyable. 5. Anakin's Turn to the Dark Side Way to easy. I won't even bother going into details. 6. Hardly a Plot There is hardly any plot at all. Just some meaningless battle scenes intermingled with horrible dialogue between Anakin and Palpatine or Anakin and Padme. My hat goes off to old George Lucas for a poor rip off of Othello (remember what he does to Padme at the end :-). Paplatine = Iago Anakin = Othello Kenobi = Cassio Padme = Desdemona Think about it! The similarities are amazing!

A rotten movie

Why? Simply because there were no EMOTIONS involved. We all know Anakin's destiny - but missing was the crucial turning point element. Here we have Anakin at one point willing to slay Palpatine - being a Sith Lord, then a few scenes later Anakin is calling him master.Anakin then proceeds to butcher the "younglings" at the Jedi academy.Huh???? Did we feel anything for Anakin??? Nothing at all. He was not even a tortured soul - the decision to embrace the dark side seemed like a decision to buy a new brand of condom's. This was NOT a tragedy!!!! George Lucas RUINED the entire series with this movie. Everything was so dead with the execption of the Emperor - he was cold and pure evil!!! And there was no reason for Anakin to wear the "Black Life Support Suit" - Darth Vader's trademark suit. Here is a universe where technology is able to replace severed limbs and all. All Anakin was missing were his limbs - not to mentioned he was badly burned. Thats it. Could not his skin/flesh be healed (burn scars??. Mechanical limbs. Thats it. NO NEED for the suit. His lungs were fine when he was groaning on the table. Hell, the put him in the suit while his skin/flesh was still smoking!!! I think that hospitals in the nether regions of planet Earth could even treat burns better. There was not enought justification/motivation for Anakin to turn to the Dark Side. The Black Suit was unnecessary. The Death Star was already being built - when did Palpatine start building it?? And the late 1970's look for the Imperial Destroyers and the stupid military garb??? Has George Lucas gone mad??? It would take at least 20 years before the events in Episode IV unfold. The Death Star was to be a major secret in Episode IV. But here we have the Death Star being built - basically floating in space just waiting for Luke Skywalker to blow it up. 20 years go by before a "secret" is uncovered???? Question: When Anakin rested 2 lightsabers on Count Dooku's neck/shoulders, why did it not burn through him???? The Jedi's died too easily - at least some of them. What Lucas should have done was made Anakin first fight with Mace Windu as Anakin needed to keep Palpatine alive for the sake of Padme. Then after Mace Windu's death, Anakin gets into a row with the Jedi Council - Anakin is considered a renegade. The Jedi's turn to capture Anakin but in the process Padme is hurt(dies?? but the babies are safe - Anakin does not know. Obiwan responsible???). So now we have a major vendetta. Anakin slaughters the Jedi (including the "younglings"). Turns to the dark side as he hates everything - nothing to live for. Climatic duel with Obiwan where Anakin is seriously hurt -but somehow still alive. Anakin is reassembled piece by piece - brain/head/vital organs encased in a mechanical form - hence the suit. Question: At the end, why did Anakin not ask if the baby/babies survived??? ROTTEN MOVIE!!!!

Get over the 1st trilogy

Those who say this movie isn't as good as the originals probably had that opinion going into the theater. Closed-minded people, who already have decided that the original trilogy are the best movie ever, shouldn't see this one. Episode III is light years ahead of it's predecessors in terms of graphics, special effects and visuals. The writing of Episode III is the best aspect of the movie. All of the loose ends are tied up. It even explains why the emperor's face has that saggy, bubble-eyed look in the original trilogy.

Warning: spoilers and explanations

The movie was indeed a closure of star wars saga. A lot of people said the acting was terrible, it was dry and other things that they want to say, but hey its a popcorn movie and it doesn't matter what they say because all you need to do is enjoy the movie. The following are broken down to give further explanations: 1.) During the Clone Wars, General Grievious was trained by Count Dooku and he collect lightsabers as trophies when he killed them. In the movie, he was not as menacing in the cartoon series. 2.) Count Dooku is Darth Tyranus who authorized the Jango Fett clones in Kamino with the direct supervision of Palpatine that is why Execution Order 66 was initialized. 3.) Owen Lars wanted Threepio memory wipe in EP4 since he knows that the droid used to work for him in EP2 and might reveal secrets to Luke. 4.) The movie never actually killed all Jedi (except Yoda & Kenobi) and others like Gen Kenobi may in fact be in hiding. (Which open the possibility of exploring other stories in the future...) 5.) All droids were deactivated that is why you wont see any battle droids in the EP4. 6.) It never explained the story of Boba Fett which became a well known bounty hunter. In short, enjoy the movie and forget other critics who said the movie is bad since it is really good and entertaining.

Unbiased as i can be!

Okay, no way does it compare to the originals, but we all know that already. Okay, saw it. Verdict: Better than I and II. I won't spoil it for y'all, but suffice to say, everything you expect to happen happens. Fight scenes are almost all really good. There is some serious cheese in it, but it's Lucas, so duh. Jar Jar is almost invisible, which most of you will be happy about. (I still think Anakin and Schmi were more detrimental to Episode I) There are a few cameos (look for the Millenium Falcon. It's in there, but you have to be looking to see it.) The story and the visuals are really well done. The story was far better than I had anticipated. The acting improved over the course of this trilogy. Jackson, and Portman did well as did Ewan McGregor. Anakin (I forget his name) improved a lot since the last film. All in all, worth my money, and seeing it with the geek crowd at midnight is always fun. (though they cheered for every goddamned thing Yoda did) So yeah, go see it. I have to say though. This movie had some amazing moments that truly made up for the bad ones. I could sit and nitpick all day, which I'm sure most people will do. Then again, I could do that with "A New Hope" too. Try and ignore the lame parts and focus on the sections of movie that are truly great. You Take the Good You Take the Bad You take them both And there you have Revenge of the Sith

Star wars closure

The final saga of the star wars trilogy is finally here. It is really worth watching, if you are a true star wars fans then this is the movie that would finally bridge the gap between classic & prequel star wars. Darth Vader can now be the ultimate character the world would see and a legend in an epic battle that happen a long time ago in a galaxy far away...

Star wars succumbs to the hip hop age.

Just like music is no longer played by instruments or performed by talented people but mechanically pieced together bit by bit on computer, so the third (or sixth) installment of the Star Wars Saga has fallen. I'll try not to give away too many spoilers, but the problem I ran into throughout, was the lack of appeal to the emotion. When the Jedi are getting killed, or when Anakin was getting hacked up, or Padme was in torment, I JUST DIDN'T CARE. I had no emotional attachment to the characters whatsoever. The acting, dialog, and events just didn't move me. Even the elaborate action sequences, although intricate and flashy, did not really excite me. WHAT WAS AT STAKE WAS NOT EMPHASIZED. You easily forgot that the fate of the galaxy was in the balance, because you were taken to totally irrelevant locations and events during the movie. Like the General Grievous chase; That whole sequence was completely unnecessary. If that part had been taken out, would any of the story, or flow of the movie have suffered? No, General Grievous could have died a thousand other ways, (or not existed at all) and it wouldn't have mattered. The fact that the whole reason for Anakin's turning to the dark side was because his wife's life was in danger seemed very distant, and intangible. The threat to Padme should have been seen more, to give more urgency to Anakin's plight. These same elementary principles of communicating ideas to an audience (that a seasoned director should be ashamed to be ignorant of) could have helped the movie all throughout. All throughout, there were the little cutesy things that Lucas put in that took away any semblance of danger or seriousness away from the movie. Things like every time a droid was "killed", it would yelp or whine or "scream" in a little child like robotized voice. Or when going after Grievous, Obi-Wan portrayed a happy go lucky guy, looking forward to duking it out with Grievous, instead of portraying that he was up against a ruthless enemy with countless lives at stake. This film could have been a moving epic adventure, especially with having such a great story inherently built into it. But instead we got a dumbed down version of an action video game.

Don't listen to the f givers. think about this....

Did the original Star Wars movies have great acting and direction? NO. If you can't accept that fact then you are kidding yourself. If you don't believe me go back and watch the original 3. Why people put down the acting and direction of the prequels and not 4, 5, and 6 baffles me. These movies are about the story, special effects and ACTION! Yes, ACTION! If you've never seen any of the Star Wars movies and expect perfect acting then you will definitely be dissappointed. Revenge of the Sith was great. I've always loved Star Wars for what it is. Sure it could have been better in certain points, but what freakin movie do we NOT say that about?????????????????? Overall, go see the movie and don't expect to be blown away by the acting or direction. But, then again don't expect to be dissappointed before you even step in the theater.


About 28 minutes ago I walked out of the final Star Wars epsiode, "Revenge of the Sith," finishing a journey that began about 28 years with the phenomina that was "Star Wars," now called "A New Hope." It was surely the most enjoyable of the prequils-- a film any Star Wars fan will be gald to experience. I spoil nothing to say that the movie wraps up the past (future?)by delivering our most beloved villian Darth Vader; transfromed from youg Jedi Anakin (and how great it is to again hear his voice narrated by James Earl Jones), the twins Lea and Luke, and the exile of Masters Yoda and General Obi-Wan Kenobi. Deeper, it chronicles the demise of the Republic and the rise of an evil Sith Lord as a Hitler-like despot who comes to power via lies and fear and mass murder. Indeed it is the young Jedi Anakin's inner termoil and confused allegience that transforms him into the villian Darth Vader as his emotions cloud his judgement and his own power corrupts his morality. Here, 24 Cable News is having a field day finding parallels between the movie and our current administration. (Truly, they have a many hours in a week that need filling.) Deeper than this I need not go. Visually the movie is unrivaled, and yet there was often too much to look at with just two eyes. There are more ships, more light sabres, more laser beams, more explosions, but you'll need to ask yourself if more is truly better. Gone is some of the silliness that soured the first two of the prequils, Jar Jar is present but says not a word. Still, as if he cannot resist, Lucas has our beloved Wookie Chewbacca give a Tarzan battle cry as he swings on a vine. And space drones that attact with drills, when surely they could attack with explosives, make silly whimpers when shot. And again Yoda, who seemed to need a walking cain, does back-flips as in the last episode (II). We've been there. We've done that. I won't mention the dialogue which, as you may well guess, has not much improved. This movie, however, delivers what I wanted, and perhaps also needed. We see the creation of the black eyed villian that so captivated us 28 years ago. His mask is on. The sound of his breath is inhuman. And at a final moment-- we see those two suns rise again over the planet Tatooine... the Star Wars theme swells... and for a moment it is as if 28 years ago-- and you are watching the greatest movie of modern time!

Marathon at the amc...farewell, childhood

Standing in line at 7 pm, a filthy-sad haze of cigarette smoke brooding over the crowd, I counted the hours until 12:01 in the morning, when an entire generation of latte-chugging Generation Xers would bid a collective farewell to their childhood. Movie theatres turn people into paranoid whisperers. Look at their faces, their eyes. Man, they're tense. But last night, you had complete strangers taking pictures with each other, calling each other "master" and generally acting like one big hippie-flipped joy fest. I swore that, as corny and desperate as they appeared, the legion of Star Wars fans actually entertained me, drew me in. It's not everyday you see computer programmers and Zoloft-popping stock brokers fight each other in public with discount bin light sabers. Disenchanted with the first two films from the pre-trilogy, I stood in line with my brother hoping for two hours of escapism. It wasn't perfect, but the film gave me much, much more. Watching Anakin's degeneration is like watching that gloomy kid down the street suffer from full-body, violent poison oak. Literally and metaphorically. You feel bad, and even vaguely intrigued by his freak show transformation, but in the end sympathize with his tortured existence. Hayden Christensen is much more comfortable in a darker role than he is in the annoying-adolescent role of Episode II. He is convincing. McGregor adds dignity to the trilogy, and plays his part well. You still walk away feeling, however, that he never quite taps into that emotive energy. He seems held back at times, and that sort of thing happens when you're delivering lines in front of a vulgar blue screen. Still, Obi-Wan's climatic encounter with Anakin is hard to watch...for all the right reasons. Unlike the first two films, Revenge of the Sith maintains a swift pace that keeps you interested. Instead of dominating the film and bogging it down with peripheral issues, the politics of the Republic strengthen the characters - not the other way around. Lucas gets it right this time. Despite its predictable plot, this story is the most character-drive of the pre-trilogy. There's no way I can ever watch Episodes IV-VI the same. Revenge of the Sith gives new meaning to every other Star Wars film. It ties up loose ends. "Closure" seems about right, except the film leaves you satisfyingly empty - despite its prerequisite flaws (dialogue, acting) Revenge of the Sith hits hard, nerve-deep. This film is more human than the rest, and isn't afraid to entertain. That's what makes it so good.

Behold the power of the dark side!

After battles on sunny grassfields, a child blasting half a space fleet to pieces, and an annoying battle scene with a bunch of flies in a stadium, Lucas taps the dark side to tell a story about good vs. evil that is far more intrecate and intense than any of the other movies, the originals included. Hail to the Sith! It's not only because the ongoing conflict of the galaxy is now portrayed in a magnificent display of CGI, but every scene is motivated by a reasonable political motivation or personal emotion. This film lives. It has life, death, but most of all it has moral ambiguity. As the story unfolds, you can relate to each character and understand the reason behind their actions and emotions. You continuosly watch these people acting in a belief that they are doing the "right" thing in the name of love, passion, and justice. You can sense their pains, misary, and fear. It clearly shows how people justify their actions based on what they believe is true, and how the result of their actions become further proof to support their existing believes. The idea that there is definitive "right" or "wrong" that, if respected, would shield us from disaster is clearly proved wrong with this movie, and it reminds you that "right" and "wrong" is in the eye of the beholder. Lucas is also doing a great job with answering any last questions we had regarding who, how and why with episodes 4, 5, and 6. After two and a half hours of action scenes, political mind games, and hoping for a tiny break in these characters' lives, you are left with a sense of loss and a need for going home and quickly watch the original triolgy to clense yourself and create balance in "the force." This was a fantastic finale to a saga that has enslaved several generations with its plot and charisma. My heart is screaming for more Star Wars, but my head tells me that we should be thankful and accept that this grand story has now finally been told. Anything following this is merely a refusal to accept that even great things come to an end, and it took "the power of the dark side of the force" to put a worthy capper on one of the greatest cultural contributions of our time. "The Force is strong with this one!"

Ah well, it's over....

Just got home from the 12:10am showing, and I have to say it was just okay. I am 33 years old, and saw the originals back in the day starting when I was five. Back in the old days, I practically lived and breathed Star Wars, but as I've gotten older, and the new movies have come out, I've had time to look at them all in perspective. Star Wars (who actually calls it "A New Hope"??) was and still is pretty cool. Empire Strikes Back is my personal favorite. You get the battle of Hoth, AT-AT's, Luke's training with Yoda on Dagobah, and Luke's showdown with Darth where you get the classic line, "Luke, I am your father." Return of the Jedi was pretty cool too, even with the cutesy ewoks. Luke shows up at Jabba's palace a full-fledged jedi and pretty much kicks butt, you get the speeder bikes and AT-ST's on Endor, and the final showdown between Luke and Darth, leading to Darth Vader's ultimate redemption. Phantom Menace was pretty good even though it is universally agreed that Jar-Jar Binks was the most annoying character Lucas ever created...hell, maybe anybody ever created. Little Ani couldn't act, but the pod races were cool, the battle on Naboo was good between the Gungan and droid armies, and the final lightsaber battle between Kenobi, Qui-Gon, and Darth Maul was probably the best of any of the six movies. In fact, I'd say that fight scene at the end got my adrenaline pumping more than pretty much any other scene in any of the movies. Clone Wars was the first of the Star Wars movies that I ever wanted to walk out of in the middle. The love story between Anakin and Padme was some of the most hack-written, laughably acted stuff I have ever had the displeasure of watching. The battles were the only things that saved that movie. Kenobi's trip to the Vega system and his meeting and then confrontation with Jango Fett was probably about the only well acted part in the whole movie. You really get the sense that Jango is totally not impressed with the jedi, and not intimidated by Obi-Wan in the least. The arena scene was pretty good, with some cool monsters, but that cat-thing would have totally ripped Padme's back off instead of those tiny red scratches, and Jango went out like a b1otch versus Mace (just like his son Boba would do in Return of the Jedi it turns out...dying by accident for the sake of a belch gag). The beginning of the actual clone war was pretty sweet stuff and I thought the final battle between Dooku and Yoda was extremely cool...who knew Yoda was such a badass? *WARNING SOME SPOILERS FOLLOW* Now we come to Revenge of the Sith, and I have to say it left me not feeling much of anything the entire way through. Anakin's acting was better this time around (it had nowhere else to go but up, I guess), and the whole way Emperor Palpatine manuevers things to lead Anakin to the dark side was very well done and made sense. There was lots of action, and the special effects were good. Yoda kicks more a$$, you get to see Chewbacca, General Grievous (dumb name) was pretty sweet too. The bad: the love stuff between Anakin and Padme. The dialog was probably some of the most cliched stuff I have ever heard. Also, the scene where Vader is told that "he killed" Padme, was totally corny...Vader looked like Frankenstein's monster breaking loose from the restraints and the whole anguished, "No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o!!!!!" was stupid to the point of almost making me laugh out loud. Overall, I just never really got "into" the movie. I never really felt anything for the characters, I was just waiting to see how it all ended I guess, and now that it has, I don't have a burning desire to see it again. The first two new movies really contained pretty much none of the promised backstory from the original movies, it was all crammed into this one, and I think the movie suffered somewhat for it. The movie was like a machine cramming 100 tons of story into a 50 ton container at 100 miles an hour, and you never really had time to stop and smell the roses, and before you know it, it was over. It didn't suck, but I sure won't be raving about it to my co-workers at work tomorrow (as I did Sin City and Kung-Fu Hustle yourself a favor and check them out if you haven't), and I doubt I will bother to pick it up on DVD when it comes out. Heck, compare this to another modern trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, and episodes I-III don't even come close in my opinion. The story was better, the acting was leagues better, and the special effects were even more special (props to my new favorite FX studio, WETA). Many parts of those movies moved me to near tears and I felt the characters' emotions much more than in the new Star Wars films. So now it is finally over, and I guess it doesn't end with a wimper or a bang....just a resigned sigh.

Bringing in the millions!

Just got back from the midnight showing and I have to say that this movie was as expected. Very entertaining and great visual effects...It truly shows the fuel for the later episodes and makes things very clear. The acting was on par with the last two releases with need for some improvement but not the worst you have ever seen... I feel that the audience was drifting during certain scenes and it could have used a little more suspense in key scenes... Overall any Star Wars buff will love and adore this film and remember it for years to come!

Lucas has captured the magic of the originals

After seeing Episode I, and since I have gotten older, I have realized that that movie was simply okay. I didn't like Episode II at all, I felt that there wasn't enough action, and that the story and acting were too wooden. Upon the very start of Revenge of the Sith, I immediately realized that I already enjoyed it more then Episode I and II combined. Lucas has brought back the compelling and interesting dialogue of the originals, and he has harnessed the amazing drama of The Empire Strikes Back. This movie is so amazing and climatic, it restores my faith in director George Lucas. He has weaved a world that only a master storyteller could wish to create, and he has ended it with the best of the prequels. True fans will not be dissapointed.

"sith" worthy of the "star wars" name

It is amazing. From the compelling opening to the emotional ending, this film is simply amazing. George Lucas has finally given us an installment in the saga that is worthy of the Star Wars name. The first episode was terrible, the second was so much better and now this actually can stand with pride along side the original three. My expectations were not met but exceeded. The visuals were almost perfect. Although some shots were lacking...ILM seems to be behind the current quality in CGI...the overall quality was pure magic. Yoda was once again amazing and was just as good as having a real puppet like the original version from years ago. John Williams' score far exceeded his previous two. He blended new themes with old ones to create a hauntingly beautiful and emotionally packed work of art. It is among his best work in years. The acting was not Oscar worthy, but then again what Star Wars film has great acting. What it had, though, was great characters that were done to the best of their ability. The acting was not terrible; I actually was not distracted by it this time as much as in the previous two films. Natalie Portman has grown into her role very well and Hayden Christensen no longer maintained his petulant child act. They both did...I never thought I would say this...great jobs. Also great were Ewan McGregor and Ian McDiarmid. Both just captivated me with their performance. George Lucas, despite his inability to weave words without producing awkward dialogue, did a formidable job writing the screenplay and directing the action. It is as if the first two were just in the way of what he was really trying to produce. This is the well-fleshed out product of an amazing imagination. The whole film is really just captivating and worthy of as much attention as it is getting. I loved it and can't wait to see it many times as possible because a trip to see it on the big screen is worth it. Thank you, Lucas for a wonderful film.

Is that the final answer?

We, the fans of Star Wars past, have longed many years for the answers to the nagging questions that, replacing recalcitrant sugarplums, constantly filled our adolescent heads at bedtime - questions like: How could Darth Vader be Luke's father? Where did all the Jedi go? and Why did Vader turn to the Dark Side in the first place? Well, the waiting is over and all is now revealed. Purported to be the best of the "new" Episodes, 'Sith' certainly answered my many questions, and did so with some sense of satisfaction. But not as completely as I had hoped. 'Sith' falters where one expects it to. The acting isn't its strong suit - that hasn't been the case since New Hope and Empire began with dim acting hopes themselves, and it has far deteriorated since. The performers are a bit stiff having to work with virtual "fill in the scene later with computers" green-screens. The script isn't what one might call a literary classic. All the usual criticisms. But it's a massive accomplishment, too. The action is great, of course - that's a virtual given. The visuals are truly beyond belief. The story is all wrapped up, each loose end being carefully tied, including stunning visual connections to Episode IV near the end of the film. But something feels missing. The heart of things, the humanity of the drama is somehow lost in all the modern technological advance. I don't know, maybe it's me, but the thing that drew me with such Force to Star Wars in those early impressionable years was wonderful over-the-top characters immersed in an utterly involving story. Sure, it happened to be set in the future. It happened to take place in outer space. It happened to have incredible action sequences and mind-blowing battle scenes. But beyond all that, it had tremendous heart. Luke, Leia, Han, the lovable Larel and Hardy droids. They are what you remember above all else. The connection you feel to the people on the screen, not the lifeless effects that surround them. Unfortunately, the beating heart has been somehow lost along the way. Now don't get me wrong, 'Sith' is a very good film. Certainly better than installments I and II. But it exists in this era. An era that has more respect and fascination for lightsaber fight scenes and blinding speed and the blaring sounds of C.G.I. battle than for the actual human elements that happen to bring all that technological razzle-dazzle together. There is a surreal moment in this film when Darth Vader finally dons his infamous suit and looks like the villain we know from years ago, and in that moment, the sound goes out. It's completely quiet. All you hear is the pumping of blood and then that particular breathing we all remember sending a shiver up our collective teenage spines. In that moment, I felt a glimmer of the unique connection that has kept Jedi questions dancing in my head all these many years. Yes, answered my questions have been. My mind knows that. I wish, however, that my heart felt it as well.

Sith happens!.....(episode iii)

Speaking as a Gen X'er who grew up watching all three of the original series (Now known as Eps #4,5,6) when they first hit the theater and the fact I had probably had every toy at one time growing up- It's safe to say my pedigree in "Star Wars" is well suited for "Episode 3". It's obviously the best of the Pre-Trilogy by far! (better than "Jedi" even) One wonders why he didn't make "Phantom Menance" and "Clones" into one movie simply as a prequel to "Sith". "Revenge of the Sith" is just 'Meat & Potatos' for the die-hard and novice "Star Wars" fans alike. You'll never recapture the innocence of our culture that spawn the orginal trilogy but after seeing "Sith" you'll realize it's key plot strengths and devices would never go over well with that audience. The world needed to 'catch-up' to the fury of some of the best moments of "Sith". It serves as a seamless prequel for "Star Wars" and it has elements that mirror the conflicts of "Jedi" without all those annoying ewoks. "Sith" will actually help your enjoyment of Episodes 4,5,6 cause it gives the "why's" and "hows" of things that are simply hinted at but never discussed- I.E. How did Vader get into that black outfit and how were the jedi 'betrayed'. It's pure cinematic gold to behold and re-afirms my faith that 'ol George always had it in him (after all one wonders where Jar-Jar came from- he get's less than 3 seconds of screen time thankfully!). Personally it's all abou the Emperor who basicly steals every scene he's in, but Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan Kinobi really gives heart to what in "Star Wars" becomes Sir Alec Guiness's performance. Natalie Portman looks beautiful but never gives the sincerity or moxie Princess Leia always posessed. Yoda even fell alittle flat for me, but the movie as a whole is so good and ties up all possible loose-ends to the point of literally refreshing your memory of where you find the future hero's in musical scores (Really a nice touch). I loved it. It was worth the wait and it's fair to say that "Revenge of the Sith" has redeemed the franchise and earns it's right to sit at the 'Adults table' with "Star Wars", "Empire Strike Back" and "Jedi". It will become part of film history I'm sure as the catch-phrases: "Younglings" and "Executive Order 66" will become legend in "sci-fi fan-dom". I'm sure "Siths" success will pressure the studio's for episode's #7,8,9 much to Lucas's dismay. Idolsmasher